Monday, November 28, 2016

Blogger for Reflection and Connection

Excited to explore Blogger with fellow WCDSB educators this afternoon!

Let's start with the WHY:
*Creating a portfolio is a reflective process
*Efficient way to document the learning journey
*Connect with others

Check out the Slide Deck below for ideas and suggestions for getting started.

Add your reflections on Blogfolios for class and student reflection in the comments below!


  1. I am excited to start my own blog at Resurrection!!!

  2. Wow Jess! A very dynamic sharing, via your slide deck and discussion, of a very cool and fun way to get students writing, inquiring, reading, sharing, giving descriptive feedback and learning!

  3. Jess has given me an outlet for documenting my own professional learning. As well, writing journals and reflecting on the daily learning in the Drama classroom will be made more interactive and more easily documented for both teacher and peer feedback. I'm SO pumped to get started! Thanks, Jess!

  4. I like the Genius Hour idea, where students select their own topic of interest to research. My kindergarten students could have their grade 6/7 Learning Buddies help them with research their topic and create a blog together. What do you think, Cathy Renda? !

  5. This would be very engaging for students and motivating. The fact you can add/ embed within the blog would also be beneficial.

  6. Thinking about how I can use Blogger as a means to communicate learning and growth with the St.Mark Coding and Robotics Club. The Genius Hour may appeal to students in Junior and Intermediate. Thanks for the learning session today it has been quite helpful and has given me things to think about moving forward.

  7. Blogging is very much out of my comfort zone. I'm not there yet, but your assistance today is helping me move forward. I'm going to try to create a blog for the Numeracy team. Although, I'm going to have to tap into your amazing expertise in this area! Thanks for the learning today!

  8. I'd like to use this in conjunction with genius hour.
