Saturday, March 25, 2017

Leveraging YouTube

Our class has been using YouTube to record messages using Google Hangouts on Air (GHO). Our messages have been created for other classes. We have found that creating video messages for others is a great way to engage them and to have them learn about, and take the risk, to create a video response. We feel as though we have the perfect set up for our class. Our computer, camera, and microphone are always ready to be used - we can create a video or respond to one in just minute.

Using GHO to connect classrooms and kids is one more way to teach students (and teachers)

  • how to leverage digital technology tools to create, collaborate, and communicate;
  • about digital citizenship, responsibility, accountability, and privacy;
  • how to model responsible risk taking and invite others to try something new/different.
We will continue to connect with other learners to share our learning and encourage them to do the same!

Here are some videos that have come our way based on our initial messages:

A recent message we made to our friends and people we hope will become our friends:

With a few more months left in the school year, we look forward to connecting with more people to benefit our learning and growth.

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